Thailand Adventures with Contiki - Part 1
After some last-minute packing and a quick run to the store to grab extra hard drives, we were ready to hit the road. A quick 15-minute drive to Toronto Airport from Croxy and we arrived at YYZ with plenty of time to spare, this was a new feeling for us.
Upon check-in for 24 hours of flying we were surprised and excited to find our seats were booked in Premium Economy which was an absolute treat! 2 airplane meals, 9 tequilas, 7 x 30-minute power naps, 1 bag of peanuts, and 1 airplane toilet experience later we finally landed in Taipei with a 3-hour layover. We wasted no time and treated ourselves to our first career airport shower. This turned out to be quite the experience as we had no towels and therefore opted to use blow dryers... worked like a charm! After a couple of 7am beers we boarded the next flight and were headed to the destination… Bangkok, Thailand.
Upon arrival at Bangkok airport, we were greeted by our friends at TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand), jumped in a van and drove an hour into Bangkok. They spoiled us to a delicious Thai lunch followed by a 2-hour traditional Thai massage, which took place at a school for the blind, which was very refreshing and ended being one of the most interesting things we’ve ever experienced. After spending the day in Bangkok, our guide drove us to our hotel for the night. Decorated with a combo of modern & abstract art, it was definitely one of the coolest places we’ve ever stayed in.
We were jet-lagged to the max, but our guide insisted we head out to Chinatown for dinner before heading to bed. This turned out to be another unique and very interesting experience, to say the least. After walking the streets of Chinatown for a while and checking out the sights we found a spot to eat and sat down for another great meal. Unfortunately, thunderstorms and bad weather rolled in so we had to cut our night short, which also meant we got to catch up on some well-needed rest.
We’ve had a great 2 days in Thailand so far & our friends over at Thailand Tourism Board have treated us absolutely amazing. We’re excited to see what else is in store for us as we venture around the country and learn about this great country.
Over & out 👊